We welcome you to consider membership of this vibrant, active, and growing congregation. Those seeking membership are required to attend a four-session Inquirer’s Class.
Before joining the Church, potential members attend a four-session Inquirers’ Class. These sessions introduce the history and organization of our Church, what the Church and Congregation believe, what to expect in membership, dialogue on service and learning, and an opportunity to join. Attendees are not required to join and may use these sessions for information. Membership of our Church requires persons to confess the Christian faith, trust in Christ as our Lord and Savior, promise to follow Christ and Christ’s example for living, and commit to attend to and engage in the Church and its work.
Upon concluding the Inquirer’s Class, should one decide to join, he or she would join by one of the following methods:
Those who join will be welcomed into the Church on a Sunday following the fourth session of Inquirer’s Class.
Camelia Griffin