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3-4-5 Year Olds

The 2 & 3 year olds begin their Sunday School hour in Room #103. Music and movement get them started for the day. Lively games, puzzles, and activities that relate to what the children are learning each week in Sunday school finishes out the hour.

An extended session program for 3 year olds–1st graders is offered during 11:00 worship.

“Believe in God, believe also in me.” John 14:1

1st-5th Grades

The 1st-5th graders begin the fall Bible study with the story of creation. We start the morning off in Holy Word Theater singing and dancing to scripture based hymns and songs. The children then move to that Sunday’s Bible lesson involving a different learning tool: arts/crafts, music, drama & storytelling, interactive computer stories, cooking, games and puzzles.

The children have made a tile filed cross that will be hung in Creation Station our first Sunday, Rally Day. We invite everyone to come into visit their class and see the Cross.


A nursery for infants and toddlers is offered in Room #109 during worship service and the Sunday school hour.