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Sunday School

Men’s Bible Discussion

Discussion begins in the fellowship hall around 9 a.m. each Sunday. These men are well versed in the Bible and discuss a variety of topics throughout the year.

Adult Parlor Class

This discussion class of men and women study the scriptures and other relevant topics to making disciples of Jesus Christ. This is a class with a lot of conversation over coffee and donuts. This class begins at 10 a.m. in the parlor.

“It Is What It Is” Class

This group of adults gather in the upstairs kitchen for donuts, coffee and fellowship each week. 

Small Groups

Presbyterian Women

When a woman joins our Church, she is invited and placed into one of our two Circles whose activities are coordinated by the Presbyterian Women's Coordinating Team that is made up of members from each of the individual circles. These Circles meet monthly for Bible Study and participate in an inclusive, caring community of women. The circles also meet collectively and regularly for announced programs, projects, and workdays. Each woman in the congregation is encouraged to choose a circle based on her schedule and interests. Presbyterian Women operates on its own budget. Each woman is encouraged to contribute to the work of Presbyterian Women over and above her regular church pledge.

Circles provide nurture through Bible Study and fellowship and to provide care in times of need as bereavement ministry, prayer chain, flowers and visitation, home circle care, hosting various receptions, recognition of newborns, recognition of graduating seniors and care packages for college students.

Men of the Church

The men of the church meet once a month for lunch and Bible Study. The men sponsor a Holy Week prayer breakfast that provides a variety of speakers for men in the community. The men also host the church’s annual fish fry fellowship each June.