Rev. Dr. Jerry Carpenter
Interim Pastor
Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Carpenter is a retired minister with ordination in the United Church of Christ, a partner in ministry with the Presbyterian Church, USA and in full communion. He retired in 2018 after almost 30 years of local church service. He has a B.S in Education, a M.Ed. In Guidance and Counseling from Lamar University, and a Masters of Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southern Methodist University. Before entering the ministry, he worked in Texas public schools as teacher and counselor for 16 years. He has been serving as a supply pastor in the Presbyterian Church, USA and the Disciples of Christ since retiring.
Jerry is married to Doris, who is a retired teacher, and they have two grown children, a son and daughter in law who live in Fort Collins, Colorado, and a daughter who lives in Tyler. They love to travel and his hobbies include cooking, reading mysteries, and daily exercise walking and bicycling. He is excited about assisting our church in ministry during this time of transition.
Rev. Will Wilson
Email: revwillwilson@gmail.com
Will Wilson grew up in the mountains of North Carolina. In 2013, he graduated from Montreat College in Montreat, North Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Biblical Studies. Will also earned the Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he received the John T. Galloway Award in Expository Preaching. Will is married to Abigail Bruxvoort-Wilson, who is completing her Ph.D. in Philosophy at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Will’s interests are in preaching, history, philosophy, and theology. During the summer of 2016, Will was a research fellow at the Edna and Howard Hong Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN. Will’s other academic interests include reformation church history, christology, ecclesiology, and enlightenment philosophy. However, Will’s deepest passion is spending his time as a pastor to God’s people through preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and service through mission. Please feel free to reach out to him at the following email address or by calling the church.

Gala Strunk
Learn More About Gala Strunk
Gala Strunk
Gala Eubank Strunk grew up in Kilgore. She studied piano from Mrs. Rilda Bee Cliburn and Mrs. Ann Turk. Organ studies were with James Culp, Joyce Farrow and Dr. Robert Mann. After graduating magna cum laude from Stephen F. Austin State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in music, Gala taught choral music in the public school system. In 1988, she accepted the full time position of Music Director/Organist at First Christian Church, Longview. During this time she completed a four-year program at Perkins Theological School (SMU) in Church Music. Gala received her ministerial license from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in 1993 and became Minister of Music/Organist before retiring after 40 years of service.
Under her direction, the Music Department at First Christian expanded to include numerous instrumental ensembles, as well as vocal choirs and handbell choirs open to children, youth, and adults. In addition, she has served on the Christian Youth Foundation Council for the Northeast Area of the Christian Church in the Southwest. She has also been invited to lead worship and teach workshops at the area and regional assemblies. She was honored as the Northeast Area Licensed Minister of the Year. Affiliations include Association of Disciple Musicians, Church Music Institute, American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Choristers Guild, American Guild of Organists, Phi Kappa Lambda.
Gala is married to Dr. George Strunk. Together they have four children, 10 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. They enjoy a relaxed life together at the lake.

Cheyenne Kirkpatrick
Director of Christian Education
Learn More About Cheyenne Kirkpatrick
Blake Stephens
Email: dce.blake.stephens@gmail.com
Blake Stephens grew up in Sherman, Texas. While in the third grade, Blake began going to church at Covenant Presbyterian Church after a friend invited his family to Vacation Bible School. He soon became a very active member. Blake went to many youth leadership conferences and programs throughout middle school and high school. After Blake graduated from high school, he spent the summers of 2011 and 2012 at Camp Gilmont as a summer camp counselor. He then served as the youth intern at Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church in Dallas, later becoming the director of children and youth ministries from 2012-2016. Blake then again served at Covenant Presbyterian Church as the interim director of youth ministries from 2016-2017. He moved to Kilgore in September 2017 and is currently serving as Director of Christian Education. Blake says he loves what he does here at FPC Kilgore.